Evelyn Riedel-Hyll


We cannot direct the wind. But we can adjust the sails.


Change is an important and inevitable part of our lives. However, whether imposed or self-selected, change costs energy and carries risks. That is why it is crucial to understand why specific changes make sense and how they benefit us personally. Also, how we experience and evaluate change depends a lot on our own biography. Therefore, it is often useful to take a look at past experience with change.

The training on change is about becoming aware of the processes that take place in people when they are confronted with change. In addition, the success factors of change and the importance of leadership and communication in change processes are highlighted. In coaching, one’s own change biography can be illuminated. Helpful leadership and communication behavior can be practiced.

Talk to me about your specific project and together we will find a suitable format.

E-Mail: riedel-hyll@trainig-berlin.de
Mobil: +49 (0)176 5697 8434